Understanding the Real Problems Your Brand Can Solve
Instead of Inventing Solution in an Echo Chamber, to Problems That Don't Exist.
The MAFFEO DRINKS Guides is a bi-weekly email newsletter. With a systematized approach, it helps drink builders grow their brand from 10 to 10k cases. Each edition solves one clear challenge for subscribers. Some editions are free, and others are paid. Sign up here:
Dear Bottom-up Drinks Builder,
Today, let's dive deep into something fundamental that most brands overlook: understanding the real problems you're solving in the market. Before thinking about awareness, distribution, or marketing campaigns, you must be clear about what gap you're filling and for whom.
Start with the Problem
Here's something most brands miss: before you worry about awareness or distribution, you need to understand what problem you're solving. And here's the thing:
It doesn't need to be a huge problem. It just needs to be real.
Let’s dive in!